At home in your body
What does it mean to be a body anyway?
What does it mean to be physical or embodied?
We often forget how incredibly complex it is this body that we have "inhabited" since birth. We forget how incredibly sensitive, strong, vulnerable and endurable we are as physical beings.
For us humans, to be a body means to be born as an infant without any possibility to defend ourselves - completely at the mercy of the adults who are there to receive us. But to be a body also means growing and developing incredible skills at breakneck speed: Without specialised exercise plans or personal trainers and often despite restrictive or even destructive surroundings we still grow and build exactly the right muscles in order to be able to move more freely - turning, crawling, standing, walking, running, climbing... Purely out of intrinsic motivation we learn this. Our bodies grow, adding cell to cell, to our fingers, toes, belly, brain… Even without special teachers and before we are able to make ourselves understood through words or gestures, we observe and understand a great deal about our environment - about the world around us.
To be a body means to consist of hundreds of billions of tiny cells that are constantly developing and renewing. Even if we have the feeling of remaining completely still, we are actually in constant motion from our inner core and to the ends of every little hair on our bodies. Even during sleep, we continue to grow, adapt to the environment, learn and integrate new skills, digest and process painful experiences ... Healing happens continuously in our bodies mostly without us having to pay any special attention to it – bones and wounds heal, new cells are produced and become parts of bone and skin to bridge all possible forms of injuries.
„Your body is a wonderland" - is not just a catch phrase from a cheesy pop song, but simply the truth. Each one of us has an incredible capacity to heal both physically and mentally, to set unbelievable changes in motion, to achieve things that seem to be unthinkable ...
We ALL have true superpowers! My work is about reminding you of this through touch, questions, through attentive listening, and through different impulses. You are YOU in every little cell, and as YOU you can create true miracles - in your own life and in the lives of other people.
Body-oriented Coaching - how does that work?
My work as a practitioner is mainly based on the Grinberg Method - a methodology of attention that aims to help people deepen their awareness of the connection between physical sensations and emotional states. The method particularly focuses on exploring individual reaction patterns to fear and pain that often limit us from bringing desired changes into our lives.
Over the last few years I have also started to integrate exercises and perspectives that I know from other methods into my work - especially from the Pantarei Approach, in which I am also a certified practitioner since 2018. Pantarei is a fairly new form of body-oriented learning that focuses particularly on individual strengths, values and qualities - how having more clarity for these can positively influence our decisions and give us strength and clarity in the face of challenges.
The aim of my work, integrating these and further approaches and learnings, is to bring people more into contact with their bodies - with their inner sources of strength and their sense of trust in themselves and their abilities.
More information about the two concrete methods that I use in my work and their codes of ethik:
How and why "body-oriented"
The Grinberg Method and the Pantarei Approach are both approaches that use sensations in and signals from the body as guides. This means that, as a practitioner, I assume that the answer to many mental blockages can be found in and through the body. When I touch the client's body during a session it is mostly not with the intention to solve specific problems or force tense muscles to relax, but with the intention to through my touch and through specific instructions and questions, support the person to connect on a deep level with themselves and their own embodied wisdom. We all have the innate ability to make changes in our lives. To work through and with the body, to connect with the physical energy, strength and qualities, and to develop more attention for our physical limits, helps us both to arrive at a different form of clarity for our desires, thoughts and feelings as well as develop new concrete tools for dealing with challenges and blockages. When we feel our needs and limits more clearly through the body we gain more clarity and energy for our self-determined paths and desires. When we give ourselves the space and the time to really reconnect with ourselves, and not only reflect but really sense and feel what is moving us or holding us back we often find solutions to problems in unexpected ways.
Everything that happens in the sessions relates to the individual experiences and sensations of my clients - their descriptions and explanations and what I observe and perceive from their bodies during the sessions. That means that each individual process and even each session within the process can look and feel very different.
What you can expect from the individual sessions
I use touch, questions, descriptions and instructions during the sessions with the aim of helping you:
- To get more clarity for your wishes and needs
- to be able to perceive your power and strength more clearly
- to explore and experience your individual abilities and qualities more closely
The intention for each session is to invite you to:
- To develop a closer relationship with yourself
- To have more respect for your own limits and needs
- To strengthen your ability to face challenges
- To strengthen your health and well-being in general
Each process consists of one or more sessions designed to help you do this:
- To get clarity for the topics that concern you at the moment.
- To overcome obstacles and blockages in your life
- Get new tools to deal with chronic symptoms
- Perceiving and expressing emotions.
- Experiencing increased vitality and improved interpersonal relationships
An important part of any process is learning how you can:
- be able to perceive and let go of automatic efforts and tensions
- use breathing to have more energy and relax better.
- find new options for dealing with physical and emotional pain
The structure of a session
At the beginning of each session we sit down and talk about what is on your mind and what you want from the session. The main part of the sessions then usually take place on a massage table, but if it fits the goals of the individual session, I may also decide to partially work with a client in sitting or standing.
For the session, you always have the option of being fully clothed or, if you feel comfortable with it, just wearing underwear. Since you as a client are encouraged to be an active partner in the session and to increase comfort and mobility, I definitely recommend wearing clothing in which you feel comfortable to move. I also advise against having a very full stomach on arrival.
As a practitioner, I find it very important to respect the integrity of each client in the way I communicate through words and touch. All type of personal information collected is kept strictly confidential and I try to create a safe environment for learning that takes place in every session.
If at any point in the process or during a session you feel insecure or disturbed by the touch or the form or content of the communication, I will be very grateful if you would let me know. I see every feedback from you as extremely valuable for our process and for me as a practitioner!
DISCLAIMER: What my work can and cannot offer
All my somatic coaching work is based on the professional ethical code of the two approaches I have learned (- Grinberg method and Pantarei approach - see links below). Although my work aims to help people connect with their own powers and abilities and to increase their awareness of their own needs, it is not a medical treatment. As a practitioner, I do not diagnose medically, nor do I treat physical or psychiatric problems. My work cannot and will not replace such professional guidance and treatments, and neither does it give any guarantee of cure.
Any medication taken before or during the process should be taken as directed by your doctor, and changes in medication or treatment should only be considered after consulting your doctor. If you notice any serious changes in your health during or after a session, it is important to inform me about this and to clarify this with your doctor or medical supervisor.